AREA PROJECT Compa??a: Area Project Solutions S.L. Paseo de la innovación, 1 02006, Albacete |
Ingl?s Descripci?n: Area Project has the most technologically developed Data Center of the Autonomous Community of Castilla-La Mancha. Our customers will enjoy and benefit from our excellent facilities and infrastructure to host their physical servers » M?s detalles |
Abserver DataCenter Compa??a: Access Basic Server Galileo Galilei, 12 03203, Alicante |
Ingl?s Descripci?n: Abserver DataCenter is a high-quality data center, built in 2008 and with the last technology. » M?s detalles |
Grupo Aire Oasix DataCenter Compa??a: Grupo Aire / Oasix C/ Santiago Ramón y Cajal, 11 03203, Alicante |
Ingl?s Descripci?n: Host your servers and network equipment in a Grupo Aire data centre. Everything that colocation offers to your business » M?s detalles |
Civicos Networking - Lanzarote Compa??a: Civicos Networking Nuestra Señora de los Volcanes, 4 35500, Arrecife |
Ingl?s Descripci?n: Civicos Networking Data Center in Arrecife (Lanzarote). Services for Enterprises and Professionals, Dedicated Servers and Virtual Servers » M?s detalles |
EXA Barcelona Compa??a: EXA Infrastructure Bosc Tancat 1, Poligono Industrial Uralita 08001, Cerdanyola del Valles |
» M?s detalles |
Acer 30-32 Compa??a: Unknown Company Acer 30-32 08038, Barcelona |
» M?s detalles |
Itconic Data Center Barcelona Compa??a: Itconic S.A Carrer de le Acer 30-32 08038, Barcelona |
Ingl?s Descripci?n: Itconic is the largest Carrier Neutral Datacenter services provider in Spain and Portugal, operating 5 top tier Datacenters » M?s detalles |
T-Systems Cerdanyola Compa??a: T-Systems Iberia Carretera BP-1413 Km 3,708290 08290, Cerdanyola del Vallés |
Ingl?s Descripci?n: Cerdanyola DC is a world-class facility implementing the latest state-of-the-art energy efficiency techniques resulting on a PUE of 1.3. The DC was awarded the Uptime Institute Tier III design and facility certifications, which guarantee concurrent maintenance and high-end availability level. » M?s detalles |
Nexica Compa??a: Nexica Acer 30-32, 1º 4ª 08038, Barcelona |
Ingl?s Descripci?n: Managed services expert since 1996, managing IT and Telecommunications infrastructures in its Blade ReadyTM Data Center, as well as in the clients' facilities. NEXICA offers 24x7 technical support, Service Oriented IT platform & Service Level Agreement (SLA) according to their costumer's needs. » M?s detalles |
Centro de Datos Compa??a: Centro de Datos Acer, 30-32 08038, Barcelona |
Ingl?s Descripci?n: Centro de Datos offers: Dedicated Servers, Cloud Hosting, Housing - Colocation, AntiSpam services, Clusters for high availability, Virtual Servers with Control Panel and 24x7x365 Technical Support » M?s detalles |
ONO Barcelona I Compa??a: ONO Avila 27 08005, Barcelona |
Ingl?s Descripci?n: Managed services, delivering a wide variety of solutions, such as security, hosting, online backup, ASP tools and e-learning, amongst others. » M?s detalles |
DC ICM Compa??a: ICM c/Acer 5-9 08038, Barcelona |
Ingl?s Descripci?n: ICM Data Center to be LSSI and LOPD Compliant and Cloud services to reach worldwide HA » M?s detalles |
Adam BCN Compa??a: Adam Travessera de Gracia, 342 - Edificio Adam 08025, Barcelona |
Ingl?s Descripci?n: Solutions designed to grow with the client and at the same time meet your expectations from the outset, our flexibility is the key to our success. » M?s detalles |
acens Barcelona Compa??a: Acens Technologies Tarragona, 161 08014, Barcelona |
Ingl?s Descripci?n: Acens technologies is one of the premiere internet and hosting services providers in Spain. » M?s detalles |
ACK DC 1 Compa??a: ACKSTORM C/ Acer, 5-9 08038, Barcelona |
Ingl?s Descripci?n: Fully fault tolerant DataCenter. Redundant power supply (Tier IV), Redundant environmental control. Fire and flood protection. » M?s detalles |
c/Acer 5-9 Compa??a: Unknown Company c/Acer 5-9 08038, Barcelona |
» M?s detalles |
iDataGreen Compa??a: iDataGreen Acer 30 -32, Pl. 3 08038, Barcelona |
Ingl?s Descripci?n: Neutral and independent data center. Young and dynamic company of engineering and IT consulting » M?s detalles |
Colt Barcelona 1 Compa??a: Colt Technology Services within the city of Barcelona. For more info, contact |
Ingl?s Descripci?n: Colt Data Centre Services: a smarter and timely solution to your data centre needs » M?s detalles |
Mediacloud 22@ Compa??a: Mediacloud Avda. Diagonal 177 08018, Barcelona |
Ingl?s Descripci?n: MediaCloud is a Mediapro group company that provides the latest Cloud solutions and the most advanced CDP services, managed in a unified way, decoupling the infrastructure of the applications provided by our clients to the maximum, allowing control and monitoring » M?s detalles |
Adam PTV Compa??a: Adam c/ Artesans, 7 08290, Cerdanyola |
Ingl?s Descripci?n: Our Datacenter in Barcelona (Parc Tecnológic del Vallés). This is our flagship Datacenter, for its measures (nearly 4000 sq mts), modularity, flexibility, efficiency and reliability. Racks, Cubes, Dedicated rooms, TIERIII, multiple powers, hyperconnectivity, and total carrier neutrality. » M?s detalles |
bitNap Barcelona 01 Compa??a: Bitnap Pablo Iglesias, 56 08908, LHospitalet de LLobregat |
Ingl?s Descripci?n: BitNap Barcelona 01 Datacenter is located in Barcelona and is carrier neutral. There are multiple carriers and network possibilities to be able to offer the best solution to our customers. One of our goals is to be efficient, the reason for what we use a cold corridor infrastructure. » M?s detalles |
EXA Bilbao Compa??a: EXA Infrastructure Poligono Artunduaga Parcela 21 48970, Basauri |
» M?s detalles |
Ibercom Donostia Compa??a: Ibercom Zuatzu, 4 20018, Donostia - San Sebastián |
Ingl?s Descripci?n: Ibercom data center in Donostia- San Sebastián. Two different locations in the same building » M?s detalles |
ServeisWeb Compa??a: SW Hosting C/ Ponent, 13-15 Pol. Ind. Mas Llado II 17458, Fornells de la Selva |
Ingl?s Descripci?n: Provider specializing in hosting, domain registration, web hosting, dedicated servers, housing, webpage hosting, datacenter, multidomain, virtualized. » M?s detalles |
Cloud Center Andalucia Compa??a: Cloud Center Andalucía de Grupo Trevenque C/ Pago de Cambea, nave 13. Parque Empresarial Cortijo de Conde, polig. Sur 18015, Granada |
Ingl?s Descripci?n: CCA is the largest data center of Andalusia with more than 1000 m2 that provides maximum security. » M?s detalles |
IslaLink EXT Compa??a: IslaLink Extremadura 12 07800, Ibiza |
Ingl?s Descripci?n: IslaLink EXT Datacenter at Ibiza in C/Extremadura Nº12 07800 Balearic Islands Spain » M?s detalles |
CPD TWN Jaen Compa??a: Tower Net Infraestructuras SL CL RONDA DE LOS OLIVARES, 57 B JAEN (JAÉN) 23009, Jaen |
Ingl?s Descripci?n: High availability data center TIER III, A luxury hotel for your IT equipment, individual rooms and telecommunications towers » M?s detalles |
Arsys Compa??a: Arsys Internet S.L. Plaza Europa 26007, Logroño |
» M?s detalles |
Civicos Networking - La Palma Compa??a: Civicos Networking C/ El Cristo 25 38760, Los Llanos de Aridane |
Ingl?s Descripci?n: Civicos Networking Data Center at La Palma. Services for Enterprises and Professionals, Dedicated Servers and Virtual Servers » M?s detalles |
![]() Compa??a: Interxion within 10 minutes drive from both Madrid city centre and Madrid International Airport |
Ingl?s Descripci?n: Interxion's Madrid carrier- and cloud-neutral data centre (MAD1) provides the latest highly secure, scalable infrastructure for mission-critical IT systems, with a wide range of connectivity solutions. » M?s detalles |
![]() Compa??a: Interxion within 10 minute drive from both Madrid city centre and Madrid International Airport |
Ingl?s Descripci?n: Interxion's Madrid carrier- and cloud-neutral data centre (MAD2) provides the latest highly secure, scalable infrastructure for mission-critical IT systems, with a wide range of connectivity solutions. » M?s detalles |
![]() Compa??a: Interxion Calle Emilio Muñoz 49-51 , Madrid |
» M?s detalles |
![]() Compa??a: Iron Mountain Calle Mar Egeo, 4 28830, San Fernando de Henares |
Ingl?s Descripci?n: Acquired from our recent transaction with XData Properties, Iron Mountain's Madrid data center has 3 MW of capacity with 79 MW planned over the next decade » M?s detalles |
Itconic Data Center Madrid 2 Compa??a: Itconic S.A Valgrande, 6 - Pol. Ind. de Alcobendas 28108, Madrid |
Ingl?s Descripci?n: Itconic is the largest Carrier Neutral Datacenter services provider in Spain and Portugal, operating 5 top tier Datacenters » M?s detalles |
Itconic Data Center Madrid 1 Compa??a: Itconic S.A c/Isabel Colbrand, 6-8 28050, Madrid |
Ingl?s Descripci?n: Itconic is the largest Carrier Neutral Datacenter services provider in Spain and Portugal, operating 5 top tier Datacenters » M?s detalles |
Iberbanda Madrid Compa??a: Iberbanda, S.A Julian Camarillo 29B 28036, Madrid |
» M?s detalles |
GNET Data Center Compa??a: Grupalia Internet S.A Albasanz, 25 28037, MADRID |
Ingl?s Descripci?n: GNET Madrid Data Center providing hosting and housing services combined with Telco PSTN and ISP IP infraestructure » M?s detalles |
Ibercom Telecom Compa??a: Ibercom María Tubau, 8 28050, Madrid |
Ingl?s Descripci?n: Data center in Madrid. Connectivity to main carriers in Spain. Co-location and cloud services available. » M?s detalles |
ONO II - Atocha Compa??a: ONO Fray Luis 11 28012, Madrid |
Ingl?s Descripci?n: Managed services, delivering a wide variety of solutions, such as security, hosting, online backup, ASP tools and e-learning, amongst others. » M?s detalles |
ONO I - La Florida Compa??a: ONO Basauri 5 28023, Aravaca |
Ingl?s Descripci?n: Managed services, delivering a wide variety of solutions, such as security, hosting, online backup, ASP tools and e-learning, amongst others. » M?s detalles |
Adam MAD Compa??a: Adam Crta. Navalcarnero Km 25,1 28600, Navalcarnero |
Ingl?s Descripci?n: Adam's new advanced data center is located in Madrid. The new energy-efficient data center is one of the largest of its kind in Spain, and one of the most energy-efficient in the world, spreads across a total area of 57,800 m2. » M?s detalles |
acens Compa??a: Acens Technologies San Rafael, 14 28108, Alcobendas |
Ingl?s Descripci?n: Acens technologies is one of the premiere internet and hosting services providers in Spain. » M?s detalles |
Madrid Lezama Compa??a: EXA Infrastructure Lezama, 4 28034, Madrid |
Ingl?s Descripci?n: A 3545 m2 reinforced concrete facility with 365 m2 equipped area in service - Expansion available » M?s detalles |
Global Switch Madrid Compa??a: Global Switch Calle Yécora, 4, 28022 Madrid, Spain 28022, Madrid |
Ingl?s Descripci?n: Global Switch Madrid is located close to the financial district and city centre in 'Silicon Alley Madrid', an area concentrated with internet and technology companies. It is a DE-CIX Enabled Site, providing direct access to the world's largest independent interconnection eco system. » M?s detalles |
IPCORE Compa??a: IPCore Datacenters S.L C/ Marzo 16 28022, Madrid |
Ingl?s Descripci?n: Datacenter carrier neutral in Madrid, we provide space in cabinets and private jails, 24x7x365 technical support in Datacenter » M?s detalles |
Bitcanal Compa??a: Bitcanal Calle Albasanz, 71 28037 Madrid, Madrid |
Ingl?s Descripci?n: Our data centre is a 10 minute drive from both Madrid city centre and Madrid International Airport. » M?s detalles |
Colt Madrid, Manoteras Compa??a: Colt Technology Services within the city of Madrid. For more info please contact |
Ingl?s Descripci?n: Colt Data Centre Services: a smarter and timely solution to your data centre needs » M?s detalles |
Espanix Datacenter Compa??a: Espanix Gran Via de Hortaleza 3 28036, Madrid |
Ingl?s Descripci?n: Espanix IXP core site, formerly known as Produban's Mesena 80 with a new access and completely refurbished » M?s detalles |
Hispaweb Network Compa??a: Hispaweb Network Miguel Yuste 11 28037, Madrid |
Ingl?s Descripci?n: Carrier neutral Data Center Connectivity to main carriers in Spain. Co-location and cloud services available. » M?s detalles |
DATA4 Madrid SPAIN Compa??a: DATA4 Avenida de la Industia, 15 28108, Alcobendas |
Ingl?s Descripci?n: An ideal location and a pleasant and functional working environment for your staff » M?s detalles |
ESPACIO RACK Compa??a: ESPACIORACK ana mariscal, 5 28223, pozuelo alarcon |
Ingl?s Descripci?n: We put at your disposal our Data Center interconnected up to 3 more in Madrid, by our private fiber ring, so we can deploy you any IAAS solution you would requiered.As well as interconexion to the main Public Clouds like AWS, Azure, IBM Cloud and Google Cloud. » M?s detalles |
Cogent Madrid Compa??a: Cogent Communications, Inc. C/ José Bardasano Baos 9, Planta 2ª A, Edificio Gorbea lll 28016, Madrid |
Ingl?s Descripci?n: Cogent's Madrid Data Center offers 500 square meters (5400 square feet) of raised floor colocation space » M?s detalles |
Alcalá Compa??a: Nabiax Av. Punto Com, 23 28805, Alcalá de Henares |
Ingl?s Descripci?n: It delivers 15.1 MW IT Power, scalable to 100 MW in the medium term, thus being the biggest Data Center in Spain. » M?s detalles |
Julián Camarillo Compa??a: Nabiax Julián Camarillo, 8 28037, Madrid |
Ingl?s Descripci?n: Julián Camarillo Data Center is located nearby the Madrid-Barajas Airport (Spain). All 3 modules supply 9.5 MW of IT Power, scalable to 11 MW. » M?s detalles |
Malaga Data Center Compa??a: Malaga Data Center C/ Eduardo Queipo de Llano Caballero, 59 29004, Malaga |
Ingl?s Descripci?n: Malaga Data Center - First real neutral datacenter in the south of Spain with collocation and roofspace for antennas » M?s detalles |
Grupo Aire Oasix DataCenter Compa??a: Grupo Aire / Oasix C/ Iván Pavlov 29590, Málaga |
Ingl?s Descripci?n: Host your servers and network equipment in a Grupo Aire data centre. Everything that Co-location offers your business » M?s detalles |
Data Rush IT Services, S.L. Compa??a: Data Rush IT Services, S.L. Ciro Alegria, 83 29004, Malaga |
Ingl?s Descripci?n: Data Rush is located in the area of Malaga, within 5 minutes drive from Malaga International Airport. The best place for your data. » M?s detalles |
Malaga Data Center 2 Compa??a: Malaga Data Center Calle Eduardo Queipo de Llano 57 29004, Guadalhorce |
Ingl?s Descripci?n: We have built a new neutral datacenter next to our existing Datacenter same services, same team » M?s detalles |
TITAN Compa??a: Fibra Medios Telecom SL Av. Canal del Taibilla 30100, Murcia |
Ingl?s Descripci?n: CPD in a strategic point where the main brands and the specifications required by a TIER III have been used. » M?s detalles |
SYS4NET Datacenter Murcia Compa??a: Grupo SYS4NET, S.L. Uruguay, 13 30820, Alcantarilla |
Ingl?s Descripci?n: First private high availability datacenter at Murcia, multi-homed bandwidth, 24x7 operation and staff » M?s detalles |
KIO NETWORKS ESPAÑA Compa??a: KIO Networks ES Calle Santiago Navarro, 8 30100, Murcia |
Ingl?s Descripci?n: IaaS Services (Infrastructure as a Service) oriented to Mission Critical IT Infrastructures. We have the most advanced TIER IV Data Center in Spain and one of the most advanced in Europe. » M?s detalles |
ASAC 1 Compa??a: ASAC Comunicaciones Parque Tecnologico de Asturias, 29 33428, Llanera |
Ingl?s Descripci?n: Last generation Datacenter, designed on the premise of Tier III international standards and equipped with the latest technology from manufacturers such as APC, Marioff, HP, Hitachi, Cisco, etc.. » M?s detalles |
ASAC 2 Compa??a: ASAC Comunicaciones Coruno 33424, Posada |
Ingl?s Descripci?n: Last generation Datacenter, designed on the premise of Tier III international standards and equipped with the latest technology from manufacturers such as APC, Marioff, HP, Hitachi, Cisco, etc.. » M?s detalles |
IslaLink PDE Compa??a: IslaLink Eusebio Estada 12 07004, Palma de Mallorca |
Ingl?s Descripci?n: IslaLink PDE Datacenter at Palma de Mallorca C/Eusebio Estada Nº12 07004 Balearic Islands Spain » M?s detalles |
IslaLink PDE Compa??a: IslaLink Eusebio Estada 12 07004, Palma de Mallorca |
Ingl?s Descripci?n: IslaLink PDE Datacenter at Palma de Mallorca C/Eusebio Estada Nº12 07004 Balearic Islands Spain » M?s detalles |
Civicos Networking - La Laguna Compa??a: Civicos Networking C/ La Isa, 2 38205, San Cristóbal de La Laguna |
Ingl?s Descripci?n: Civicos Networking Data Center at La Laguna (Tenerife). Services for Enterprises and Professionals, Dedicated Servers and Virtual Servers » M?s detalles |
D-ALiX Compa??a: D-ALiX Polígono Ind. de Granadilla S/N 38600, Granadilla de Abona |
Ingl?s Descripci?n: Brand new Tier III+ Collocation Datacenter with over 2000 sq mt for IT purpose. Use of renewable energies and with tax benefits » M?s detalles |
Itconic Data Center Sevilla Compa??a: Itconic S.A Avd. de Montes Sierra, 36bis 41007, Seville |
Ingl?s Descripci?n: Itconic is the largest Carrier Neutral Datacenter services provider in Spain and Portugal, operating 5 top tier Datacenters » M?s detalles |
Sevilla Data Center Compa??a: Comvive Servidores, S.L. C Nicolas Copernico 18 41300, Seville |
Ingl?s Descripci?n: Comvive is a company founded in 2003 based in Seville (Spain) that provides shared hosting, dedicated servers and housing solutions in our own Datacenter located in San Jose de la Rinconada » M?s detalles |
Grupo Aire Oasix DataCenter Compa??a: Grupo Aire / Oasix C/ Puebla de México, 58 45600, Talavera de la Reina |
Ingl?s Descripci?n: Host your servers and network equipment in a Grupo Aire data centre. Everything that colocation offers to your business » M?s detalles |
![]() Compa??a: NIXVAL Villa de Madrid, 44 46988, Valencia |
Ingl?s Descripci?n: Neutral Internet Exchange Valencia. Colocation space with access to leading transit IP european carriers Internet Exchange services » M?s detalles |
EXA Valencia Compa??a: EXA Infrastructure Poligono Industrial El Oliveral , Fase 11, Parcela Plot 7 46190, Ribarroja del Turia |
» M?s detalles |
Parc Tecnologic Compa??a: TISSAT Av. Leonardo Da Vinci, num 5 46980, paterna |
Ingl?s Descripci?n: Tier III and compliant with: ISO 20.000 & ISO 27.001 & ISO 16.001 & ISO 14.001 & ISO 9.001 & E.U. Code Of Conduct for Data Centres » M?s detalles |
PLEXVAL Compa??a: Plexval Valencia Datos S.L. Sevilla 76 Pol.Ind.Fuente del Jarro 46980, Paterna |
Ingl?s Descripci?n: High security & resiliancy carrier data centre. Provides both floor space & rack. Fully redundant UPS/Generators. » M?s detalles |
Ingl?s Descripci?n: Digital Value is located in Valencia, in the main axis connecting the city to the south. » M?s detalles |
ProRed Data Center Compa??a: PRORED COMUNICACIONES S.L. Louis Pasteur, 6 46980, Paterna |
Ingl?s Descripci?n: We are the most recently constructed Neutral Data Center in the Valencian Community specifically in 2015. This data center has interconnection with the most important exchanges centers in Spain and the Netherlands » M?s detalles |
IslaLink FSL Compa??a: IslaLink Camino Molino de las fuentes S/N 46026, Valencia |
Ingl?s Descripci?n: IslaLink FSL Datacenter at Valencia Fuente de San Luis. (Camino Molino de las fuentes S/N, junto Centro de formación de Adif) » M?s detalles |
Redestel Compa??a: Redestel, SL Calle Veintitrés de Abril Nº 26 50014, Zaragoza |
Ingl?s Descripci?n: Redestel provides secure, purpose built colocation and tele-housing space in the data centre facilities where we can safely and securely house your IT and communications equipment. » M?s detalles |
Grupo Aire Oasix DataCenter Compa??a: Grupo Aire / Oasix Edificio World Trade Center 500178, Zaragoza |
Ingl?s Descripci?n: Host your servers and network equipment in a Grupo Aire data centre. Everything that colocation offers to your business » M?s detalles |